
colorful communication

Here are the ways you can stay up-to-date with what's going on at Ortega!
¡Estas son las maneras en la cual se puede mantener al tanto con lo que ocurre en Ortega!

  • School Website/Pagina Web de la Escuela
  • Wednesday Folders & Monthly Calendar/Carpeta de Miercoles y Calendario del Mes
  • Marquee(on Garland Avenue)/Marquesina (Avenida Garland)
  • Hallway & Cafeteria Bulletin Boards/Boletines en los pasillos y cafetería

Social Media/Redes Sociales

Communications Policy

Ortega Elementary only distributes information relevant to Ortega and schools in our AISD vertical team. Ortega does not allow any third-party solicitations or advertisements through any mode of communication (paper or electronic) unless the principal gives approval for special circumstances.