The ACE Afterschool Program offers a variety of enrichment, academic, and college-readiness classes for targeted students. This fall semester the program will be offered virtually with synchronous and asynchronous programs. ACE also provides a six-week summer camp for targeted Ortega Elementary students.
Parents and family members are also invited to join in on all the afterschool virtual fun! The ACE Site Coordinator collaborates with the school Parent Support Specialist to ensure the needs of parents and family members. For more information regarding parent classes, please contact the ACE Site Coordinator Ms. Raquel Abrajan at 512-200-4575 or the Parent Support Specialist Mr. Fernando Lara at 512-414-4417, ext. 58476.
The ACE Afterschool Program at Ortega Elementary is funded by the 21st Century Community Learning Center federal grant. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) awarded Austin ISD with a Cycle 10 ACE Afterschool grant for three years and we are currently in our third and final year. Ortega Elementary has had the ACE Afterschool Program since the 2013-2014 school year.
Another program available for our students is the nearby Givens Recreational Center. Transportation is provided daily to take students to Givens. The four core components of all Austin Parks & Rec Department After school programs for the community include a healthy snack, active play, enrichment, and homework help. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday from 2:45-6:00pm, except on City of Austin or school holidays. Contact them at 512-974-2430.